digital Media


Below are some of my personal artwork, collected since I was a multi-media student.
Some of these are quite abstract, my friends have said they are funny, weird, philosophical
and even slightly melancholic. However, there is no right or wrong answer. I hope you can
enjoy and appreciate my work and find some meaning out of it.


This is a piece of interactive work created for educational purpose which audience could explore how a busy and noisy environment be amazingly transformed into a colourful imaginary environment.

This is an idea of creating an imaginary city in combination with beauties of nature and metropolis by using sound effects and interactivities. The imaginary city is focused on establishing itself as an amazing setup. There will be a key object setting in somewhere in the black and white metropolis, that object is holding some important elements for user to explore how a metropolis is dominated and surrounded by beauties of nature. With using the sound effect in an interactivity environment, it brings user a breath of fresh air from the original crowded city into an imaginary amazing environment.