digital Media


Below are some of my personal artwork, collected since I was a multi-media student.
Some of these are quite abstract, my friends have said they are funny, weird, philosophical
and even slightly melancholic. However, there is no right or wrong answer. I hope you can
enjoy and appreciate my work and find some meaning out of it.


This is an interactive project, which narrates 3 people, who are living in the 20s centrury experience being the modern generation. I call this generation as "Instant Generation". In the project, there are 3 narratives to tell the relationships among these 3 people thought the revealing of their different relationship approaches by the linkage of their attitude of eating instant noodle.

"Instant noodles affairs" metaphorically depict the "instant human relationships" in modern life. Instant generation can enjoy themselves by fulfilling their "choosy" as quickly as possible without putting much effort physically or mentally. This concept is expressed in the form of interactive web sites developed metaphorically from one of the typical instant cup noodles.

In the project, it might cause offensive to some people. However, it is mainly entertaining and refreshing "instant" (easy and quick to understand) in order to intepret the concept of instant relationship nowadays.