digital Media


Below are some of my personal artwork, collected since I was a multi-media student.
Some of these are quite abstract, my friends have said they are funny, weird, philosophical
and even slightly melancholic. However, there is no right or wrong answer. I hope you can
enjoy and appreciate my work and find some meaning out of it.


This film will present the vivid portrait of one of my friends, Silas, by the mean of discovering all various kinds of his multi talents and obssessions on what he loves and what makes him "himself". The film will represents an insight on his characteristics with the use of voice overs, still and animated photographic images and 2D character animation in the main base scenes of his car driving at a fast and rhythmic pace. The film will show a few of "sub-scenes", each of which reveals one of his obsessions, or "Lifestyle".

The project aims to create a portrait of the main character, Silas as a funny persona through the use of energetic visuals style and sounds.